"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to simply try"

I signed onto Linkedin the other day and found people congratulating me on my work anniversary, and I was confused. I wasn't exactly sure why I was being congratulated. I start working at the restaurant in the month of May, and it is now July. Then I realized two years ago in July I added this blog to my work experience on Linkedin. Even though this is not technically a job, I like to look at it as an unpaid writing internship I gave myself. I haven't accomplished anything big by this yet, but LinkedIn reminded me that this blog is now 2 years old. And for two years I have been consistently updating it. This may not seem like a big deal, but for me-- it is an accomplishment. And since no one will give me credit for that, I am going to give myself credit for it. I deserve it.
I have so many thoughts and ideas that run through my head on a daily basis. Most I don't act on and for the ones which I do--I forget about quickly and stop pursuing them. I have written more in the last two years within this blog than I have in my entire life including school. I'd like to say my writing skills have also slightly improved through this blog. I actually don't love writing, and at best I am average at it. However--I love stories, I love words, I love documenting, and I am intrigued by the journalism field. Being able to write heavily correlates with this, so I am trying.